I was born in the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico in 1950. My parents divorced, so I lived with my grandfather. At four, my Father sent for me to live with him in New York City. Growing up in the Bronx, I witnessed street gangs, violence and drug addiction. At thirteen, I became involved with the wrong crowd and started drinking and smoking marijuana. It opened the door to destruction. At 16, I was hooked on meth and heroine. My stepmother kicked me out of my house, and I moved to Philadelphia to stay with my older sister.
I had no hope and found myself on Satan’s torture rack. Within six months, the shooting galleries and the dark alleyways became my second home. My heroin habit started at $100.00 dollars a day and increased to $3,000.00 a month. To support my drug habit, I stole cars and held up people at gun point. Eventually, I was arrested seven times and charged with several felonies…facing 15 to 35 years in prison. My life was meaningless. I only lived to survive the next day.
Then, the miracles began. I was incarcerated and my sister called Teen Challenge. A tall, skinny preacher came to see me in The House of Correction. Jay Cole, a Teen Challenge minister, told me the center would be praying for me. A few days later Rev. Cole represented me in court and by a miracle of God (detailed in my book “Destined for Hell”), I entered the faith-based program.
One week later I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. October 7, 1970 God delivered me from drug addiction and every life-controlling problem that I had. For the first time I felt unconditional love, hope and joy. I began a new journey with a new purpose. My relationship with my family was restored and I led both of my parents to Jesus before their death.
Nine months later, I went to a Bible school in the Midwest and became a Minister to help bring healing to hurting – broken people and places. In 1973 I married a beautiful Oklahoma girl, Gail Morris, who has been a great blessing to me and has given me two sons.
I have traveled throughout the Americas sharing my story of deliverance in crusades, churches, and auditoriums. I have been the speaker for SADA, students against drugs and alcohol, in many high schools. I have worked with Mike Barber Prison Ministries going to the prisons of the world. It has also been a joy to share my story on many major Christian networks around the world.
One of my greatest joys was to help start and direct The Oklahoma Victory Transformation Center for women which evolved into a Teen Challenge Center. It has been a great honor to represent Christ as Pastor of two wonderful churches in Oklahoma. Presently, I am serving as lead Pastor at First Assembly of God Church in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I also serve on the Creek County Community Sentencing Board which oversees drug court, probation and parole. I am a free and happy man as a result of the message of Christ proclaimed through the Adult Teen Challenge Program.
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My Testimony:
I had no hope and found myself on Satan’s torture rack. Within six months, the shooting galleries and the dark alleyways became my second home. My heroin habit started at $100.00 dollars a day and increased to $3,000.00 a month. To support my drug habit, I stole cars and held up people at gun point. Eventually, I was arrested seven times and charged with several felonies…facing 15 to 35 years in prison. My life was meaningless. I only lived to survive the next day.
Then, the miracles began. I was incarcerated and my sister called Teen Challenge. A tall, skinny preacher came to see me in The House of Correction. Jay Cole, a Teen Challenge minister, told me the center would be praying for me. A few days later Rev. Cole represented me in court and by a miracle of God (detailed in my book “Destined for Hell”), I entered the faith-based program.
One week later I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. October 7, 1970 God delivered me from drug addiction and every life-controlling problem that I had. For the first time I felt unconditional love, hope and joy. I began a new journey with a new purpose. My relationship with my family was restored and I led both of my parents to Jesus before their death.
Nine months later, I went to a Bible school in the Midwest and became a Minister to help bring healing to hurting – broken people and places. In 1973 I married a beautiful Oklahoma girl, Gail Morris, who has been a great blessing to me and has given me two sons.
I have traveled throughout the Americas sharing my story of deliverance in crusades, churches, and auditoriums. I have been the speaker for SADA, students against drugs and alcohol, in many high schools. I have worked with Mike Barber Prison Ministries going to the prisons of the world. It has also been a joy to share my story on many major Christian networks around the world.
One of my greatest joys was to help start and direct The Oklahoma Victory Transformation Center for women which evolved into a Teen Challenge Center. It has been a great honor to represent Christ as Pastor of two wonderful churches in Oklahoma. Presently, I am serving as lead Pastor at First Assembly of God Church in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I also serve on the Creek County Community Sentencing Board which oversees drug court, probation and parole. I am a free and happy man as a result of the message of Christ proclaimed through the Adult Teen Challenge Program.
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