Sapulpa, Oklahoma 918-471-2447


Nicky Cruz

Luis Torres started as a loser product of a broken family caught up in witchcraft, a cocoon of despair and hopelessness. It was true that he was DESTINED FOR HELL unless there was divine intervention of a powerful, loving God.

–Nicky Cruz, Nicky Cruz Outreach, Colorado Springs, CO.

Billy Joe Daugherty

Luis and Gail have a burning passion to see lost people saved. Because they have Pastored and traveled in evangelistic ministry, they have a supportive understanding of the local church. Their heart for God is pure and sincere.

–Billy Joe Daugherty, Founder, Victory Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

John Kilpatrick

Luis Torres is a living Testament of God’s Mercy! Holy Spirit sovereignly delivered him from decades in prison 3,000 a month drug habit. I read and reread his book “Destined for Hell” and still could hardly put it down…I know of no better soul winning material available anywhere. I have preached in his church and enjoyed his ministry often and it still amazes me of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

–John Kilpatrick, Pastor Church of His Presence, Daphne, Alabama.

Duane Henders

It was my privilege to be the director of the Philadelphia Teen Challenge men’s home in 1970 when Luis Torres walked through the door to enter the program. He came directly from prison and a life of crime and drug addiction, but he was desperate for help. When Luis met Jesus Christ his life was radically changed forever. Since 1970, he has been an example of faithfulness to the call of God on his life and now 50 years later he continues to live out his passion for Christ as a father, husband, evangelist, pastor and missionary. I am proud that Luis and his lovely wife Gail are my friends.
-Duane Henders, Teen Challenge missionary since 1969.